A Word From Director
We would like to welcome everyone to the website of Centre of Excellence for Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (Pusat Kecerdasan Buatan & Sains Data), Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

Research and Education in the 21st century is about embracing digital technology. As the technology constantly evolving, this is not an easy task. Researchers specifically, must keep up with not only the latest developments of research and industry solution in their field but need to learn and do new research as we pursue to equip future generations of Malaysians with technical and creative skills. It is therefore heartening to see the members of the Centre striving to do just that through its truly multi-mode and blended research aimed at fostering a critical mindset to prepare solution for an ever-changing market.
Moving forward, our Centre will also be offering research and consultation specialisations to catalyse the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) specifically on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, which as addressed in the National Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Policy 2015-2025. This policy supports National Development Policies such as the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMKe-12) and Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030 (WKB 2030). It is also complementing the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint in driving the growth of digital economy.
Sr Ts Dr Ngahzaifa bt Ab Ghani
Director of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Centre
The focus areas of the Centre are including Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Logic, IoT, Natural Language Processing (NLP)/Text Mining, Web/Desktop/ Mobile/Database Development, Software Development, Data Visualisations, Data Analytics (Business Analytics), Data Mining, Big Data, Data Wrangling and Pre-processing, Blockchain, Text Mining, Predictive Modelling and Simulation.
Lastly, I would like to express my appreciation to all members of Centre which work as a team that have served the Centre with passion. May Allah give all of us strength to make our vision and mission a reality.