Research Theme

There are five value proposition and core services which the Centre focus on: Product development (System/Dashboard), Consultation, Research, Training/Workshop and Conference. Generally, the research area can be classified into two main categories which are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. However, the field of applying the AI and Data Science research area are not limited to specific field. It can be implemented and applied any fields such as in environmental, medical, engineering, finance, etc.
At the same time, the Centre has been appointed as one of the units to support the development of UMP towards Smart Campus, which to improve and assist UMP everyday life by implementing of intelligent technology and automation. The main role of the centre in the Smart Campus initiative is to transform the existing UMP business process by revisited and reimagined to increase efficiency and productivity using technology and automation.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are targets for global development adopted in September 2015, set to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs are a call for action by all countries including Malaysia to promote prosperity while protecting the world. Therefore, PSD is also supporting the SDGs initiatives, activities or actions which contributed to the Malaysia SDGs. Generally, any research which related with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science can be involved and contributed by this Centre.
There are 17 goals to transform the world, which listed as follows;
1. Eliminate Poverty
5. Enforce Gender Equality
9. Increase Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
13. Organize Climate Action
17. Build Partnerships for the Goals
2. Erase Hunger
6. Improve Clean Water and Sanitation
10. Reduce Inequality
14. Develop Life Below Water
3. Establish Good Health and Well-Being
7. Grow Affordable and Clean Energy
11. Mobilize Sustainable Cities and Communities
15. Advance Life on Land
4. Provide Quality Education
8. Create Decent Work and Economic Growth
12. Influence Responsible Consumption and Production
16. Guarantee Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

List of Grants
